The Classroom of the 1960's depicted in this video was the classroom of my elementary years.
We memorized spelling words, copied our letters in penmanship and wrote on lined paper exactly what
the teacher wrote on the chalkboard. The students were not allowed to express themselves creatively
through writing without upsetting the apple cart.
A very special good-bye gift was given to me at the end of 2nd grade. It was a small blue diary from
Toni Wolf, my 2nd grade friend. The diary was my first step in writing my feelings on paper.
We were moving from East Lansing to Hickory Corners for my Father's new job at the Kellogg
Foundation. It was my first creative writing attempt! In school, we learned spelling words, penmanship
and pat answers to essay questions. This was my first adventure in writing my thoughts which of
course were going in so many different directions in my new home. I remember that I wrote
about my new friends, my new dog and my new room. Exclamation marks were my favorite
punctuation. They still are my favorite!!!!
A squirrel comes to visit my family!
One creative writing piece was assigned in Mrs. Clark's 3rd grade classroom. We had a pet squirrel
who traveled home with each student on the weekend. Our assignment was to write about the
adventures with the squirrel. Everything went smoothly until Monday morning. My older
brother let the squirrel out and it went up into the back of the couch. We could not get it out and
my brother ended up getting bitten. He had to get rabies shots on his stomach. What a great
opportunity for a writing assignment! I never did get to bring the squirrel home again. But
I had one of the best essays in the class. Surely my ability to always exaggerate may have played a role
in the essay. The picture below may reflect the creative touch added to my story!
their friends and passed them with a inconspicuous air. Our third and forth grade teachers ignored it.
Letting friendships grow through notes and ideas is a new tool that I hope to remember. We had a
secret language where we added ob to every word. Our notes were crazy and confusing to adults in our
life. That is exactly how we wanted to share notes in the 5th grade.
As I moved through 5th into 6th grade, my focus was on friendships something that has remained
important my whole life. My memories of 5th grade English in Mrs. Baylor's room are not of English.
Instead, I remember we had a pretend wedding in class with Mike Batson and Marilyn Black. This
memory reminds me that events and activities remain in your mind not textbook time.
Our 6th grade graduation ukulele band entertainment played this wonderful song!
Another long- term memory takes place in sixth grade English class with Mr. Schinderle. His class
at Kellogg Elementary was at the end of the hall. It was our last year before junior high filled with
boy/girl drama, playing "Moonlight bay" on the ukulele as a class for graduation, trading notes,
collecting 45's, talent shows and slumber parties. My 6th grade English class started me on a writing
journey that has added many magic moments to my lifetime.
This will be continued in A Sanguine learns to write a speech.
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